Services for Alumni
We welcome recent alumni (0-5 years out) to use our services free of charge. These services include:
Handshake: Apply for positions targeting recent graduates. Request an account.
Career Coaching: Meet with a career coach for a resume review or to discuss career changes, job search strategies or considering advanced degrees. Email or call to schedule a phone or in-person appointment: careers@bryant.edu; 401-232-6090.
Career Assessment: Explore your interests, skills, values and personality. We offer a career assessment that you can take online. No appointment necessary, please see our Resources page.
Career and Graduate School Fairs: You are welcome to attend our fall and spring career fairs. Please visit the Handshake calendar of events for details or follow us on Instagram!
Bryant Connect: This network of Bryant alumni connects you to volunteers willing to assist with informational interviewing, job shadowing, job search advice, graduate school advice, and more.
Continuing Education: Bryant's Executive Education & Career Accelerator center offers short-term, fee-based certifications to enhance your expertise.
For graduating members of the Class of 2024, please let us what you are doing post Bryant by filling out the post graduation survey.